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Denman Marine Voyage update: 7 March, 2025

Call for public comment on draft Comprehensive Environmental Evaluation: Proposed construction and operation of new Chinese research station

‘The key question is what’s driving the changes we’re seeing in the satellite record?’: Research voyage heads to Denman Glacier


Million year ice core
The million year ice core (MYIC) project is one of the most ambitious and challenging scientific projects yet undertaken by the Australian Antarctic Program.

Inland traverse
The modern tractor traverse will allow the Australian Antarctic Program to move inland in all weather conditions and reach areas deep in the Antarctic interior.

Denman Glacier research campaign
Australia is preparing a major three-year science campaign to study the Denman Glacier, one of the fastest retreating glaciers in East Antarctica.

RSV Nuyina – Australia's Antarctic icebreaker
Australia’s new Antarctic icebreaker, RSV Nuyina, is the main lifeline to Australia’s Antarctic and sub-Antarctic research stations and the central platform of our Antarctic and Southern Ocean scientific research.

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