When open, all applications must be submitted via an online application form. Expressions of interest open for a period of approximately 4 weeks.
Expressions of interest must include:
- Proposal summary: What does your project intend to do or achieve? (limit 350 characters – approx. 50 words)
- Detailed description: Describe your project, including summarising how your project meets the Arts Fellowship selection criteria. (limit 2200 characters – approx. 300 words)
- List of collaborating organisations.
- Curriculum vitae (CV) which may include examples of your work. (max. 5MB)
Expressions of interest will be assessed and shortlisted.
Shortlisted applicants will then be invited to submit a full proposal, which must include:
- Proposal summary: What does your project intend to do or achieve? (limit 350 characters – approx. 50 words)
- Detailed description: Describe your project, including summarising how your project meets the Arts Fellowship selection criteria. (limit 2200 characters – approx. 300 words)
- Proposed project timeline. (limit 2000 characters – approx. 250 words)
- CV which may include examples of your work. (max. 5MB)
- CVs for other group members (if applicable) which may include examples of their work. (max. 5MB)
- Supporting letters (references, evidence of support from appropriate organisations e.g. publisher, art gallery, university etc.).
- Link to a website with examples of your work. (optional)
- Detailed response to the selection criteria.
Selection criteria
Applications will be assessed against each criterion in accordance with the weightings.
- Support from collaborating organisations: Your proposal must be supported by written commitments from collaborating organisations (such as publishers, galleries, exhibitors, employers, broadcasters etc.) capable of ensuring an acceptable level of exposure for the resulting work. (mandatory; limit 1500 characters – approx. 200 words)
- Work is identifiable with, and responds to, Antarctica: The outcome of your Fellowship must be easily identifiable with Antarctica or Antarctic activities. You must show an engagement with place. (mandatory; limit 1500 characters – approx. 200 words)
- Travel to Antarctica is essential to the project: A visit to Antarctica (or the sub-Antarctic) must be essential to achieving the outcome of your project. (mandatory; limit 1500 characters – approx. 200 words)
- Alignment with the objectives of the Arts Fellowship: Proposals must show how they fit the objectives of the Australian Antarctic Arts Fellowship; how they support the vision of Antarctica being valued, protected, and understood; and how they will benefit the Australian Antarctic program. (40% weighting; limit 1500 characters – approx. 200 words)
- Originality, innovation and intellectual merit: How is your project different, and why is it important? How does your proposal advance knowledge and understanding? Does it explore creative and original concepts? (20% weighting; limit 1500 characters – approx. 200 words)
- Impact, including capacity to reach a significant audience: Your proposal must show it will have an impact, and show a capacity to reach a significant audience which is preferably, though not necessarily, Australian. (20% weighting; limit 1500 characters – approx. 200 words)
- Quality and feasibility of the application: The organisation, clarity, attention to detail and depth of research shown in your proposal will reveal much about your abilities and the likelihood that your project is feasible and will be completed. How appropriate, developed and sound is your approach? (20% weighting; limit 1500 characters – approx. 200 words)