Kym has developed an exceptional level of experience and skill over 17 years of operating both in Antarctica and at the head office. He continues to apply these with dedication and energy to his work, becoming an integral contributor to the technical support foundations of the Australian Antarctic Program.
Kym has provided critical, ongoing support to projects being conducted in Antarctica. Notable among this work is his high level of support for the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program, based at Béchervaise Island, near Mawson station. Kym spent 6 full summers on the Island. This location is particularly challenging, and involves isolation for a small team for 2 months each year.
Kym has also provided critical levels of support to 5 marine science voyages, one of which immediately following a summer at Béchervaise Island. Kym has provided extensive levels of support to ensure science outcomes throughout journeys with rough seas, long shifts and cramped living conditions.
Kym has also made an outstanding, yet often unnoticed, contribution to Australian Antarctic science outcomes, through his ability to design reliable, effective and innovative equipment for use in harsh conditions by non-technical personnel. Notable among this work is Kym’s development of a remote camera monitoring system for the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program.
The camera system has been so successful, that CCAMLR has adopted the concept as a new standard method for future ecosystem monitoring in Antarctica. The system is now used on the continent by several other countries. Kym has also developed key technology for marine science and glaciology.
His commitment to the goals and people of the Australian Antarctic Program and his ability to critically analyse technical problems and develop innovative solutions mean that Kym clearly goes ‘above and beyond’. The ongoing success of Australia’s activities in Antarctica are testament to this.