Sample slushy roster

Working hours are 7:30 am until the jobs are done (Sunday start time 9.00 am)

  • Washing up pots, pans and dishes
  • Setting tables before meals, cleaning them after meals
  • Clearing up bain marie, desserts and salads after meals
  • Tidy up snacks area before meals, top up fruit juice and milk, put out butter and margarine, tidy bread cupboard, tidy up biscuits etc
  • Make up milk (2 buckets during summer)
  • Vegetable preparation required by chef ie peel potatoes, carrots and onions etc
  • Wash table cloths and tea towels
  • Clean and wipe under benches, time permitting
  • Weekly cleaning routine job to be done (check roster)
  • Living quarters: check and general tidy up
  • Sweep and mop floor at end of night (sweep out under all areas)
  • Stack all pots, pans and trays in an orderly fashion please

General cleaning duties

  • Monday – clean and tidy cool room and pantry, mop floor etc
  • Tuesday – clean ovens inside and out, janitor store cleaned
  • Wednesday – clean stove and under sink area and work benches
  • Thursday – clean and tidy shelves by cool room, snack area, clean fridge in snacks area and shelves snacks area
  • Friday – clean bain marie, empty out water, wash down and clean doors etc, clean right under stoves sweep out etc
  • Saturday – clean exhaust canopy, wash down inside and out side, soak filters and clean
  • Sunday – clean proving oven, salamander, sort and stack pots, trays, glassware and bowls, scrub out rubbish bins

Monthly cleaning duties

  • 1st – kitchen refrigerator emptied and cleaned
  • 2nd – main oven cleaned out
  • 3rd – canopy cleaned inside and out
  • 4th – deep-fryer strained and re-filled
  • 5th – breezeway refrigerator emptied and cleaned
  • 6th – stove tops and catch trays cleaned and re-foiled
  • 7th – all stainless steel polished bench legs, doors etc
  • 8th – all kitchen floor area scrubbed
  • 9th – cold porch off mess unpacked and tidied up
  • 10th – main oven cleaned out
  • 11th – breezeway shelves tidied and wiped
  • 12th – deep-fryer strained and re-filled
  • 13th – stove tops and catch trays cleaned and re-foiled
  • 14th – grill plate polished with the stone
  • 15th – bain marie emptied and cleaned
  • 16th – small pantry off kitchen tidy and wipe
  • 17th – both mixers washed down
  • 18th – breezeway freezer emptied and cleaned
  • 19th – stove tops and catch trays cleaned and re-foiled
  • 20th – deep-fryer strained and re-filled
  • 21st – main oven cleaned
  • 22nd – canopy cleaned inside and out
  • 23rd – back of oven / grill plate / micro shelf cleaned
  • 24th – dishwasher emptied and scoured inside
  • 25th – all stainless steel polished, bench legs, doors etc.
  • 26th – stove tops and catch trays cleaned and re-foiled
  • 27th – deep-fryer strained and re-filled
  • 28th – main oven cleaned out
  • 29th – meat slicer pulled apart and washed
  • 30th – back sink and vegetable storage area cleaned
  • 31st – see chef when applicable