In recent years, Davis has supported a wide range of projects in fields including measurement and monitoring of: geodetic and geophysical information; ultraviolet radiation; upper atmosphere temperature; Antarctic clouds, radiation and precipitation; atmospheric ozone; high latitude gravity waves; near surface atmosphere and cryosphere observations; landscape vulnerability and recovery; old growth mosses as proxies for past Antarctic climates; ecological research and monitoring to improve management strategies and conservation outcomes for Antarctic breeding seabirds; and monitoring for seabird status and trends including responses to environmental variation and change.
Previously, there has also been a strong interest in geology and archaeology in the region, especially in the Vestfold Hills and in the Marine Plain Antarctic Specially Protected Area. The proximity of Davis to areas such as the Larsemann Hill and West Ice Shelf has also established the station as a key staging post for projects utilising intracontinental air transport including between Australia’s other two Antarctic research stations, Casey and Mawson.
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