The AAD introduced twin-engine BK117 helicopters in 2022 for cargo, science and personnel transfers, taking over from the single engine AS350 B3 Squirrel.

Tasks include:

  • carrying cargo and expeditioners from ship to shore
  • ship-based support of marine science and field-based operations in Antarctica and the sub-Antarctic
  • ice reconnaissance (to assist ship navigation through pack ice)
  • logistics and science support to stations and remote camps
  • search and rescue and medical evacuation support as required.

Up to four BK117 helicopters are based in Antarctica from November to February. They have maximum underslung load capacity of 1.2 tonnes, are usually configured in Antarctica to carry up to six passengers, and have a range of 300 nautical miles or 555 kilometres.   

When the BK117s are used to resupply stations from the ship to shore, the voyage leader, station leader, operations coordinator and the pilots work together to develop a helicopter schedule. This is done on the basis of station logistics, project priorities and regulatory requirements to comply with strict environmental guidelines.

Helicopters are also used to support science projects including observation flights of animal populations and other aerial survey work. Unless authorised in a permit, it is an offence to use an aircraft in a way that disturbs a concentration of birds or seals (a concentration is defined in the relevant legislation as being 20 or more animals) or to land a helicopter in a protected area.

In recent years, helicopters have operated in the Vestfold Hills, Larsemann Hills, Bunger Hills, Amery Ice Shelf and Prince Charles Mountains deploying, supporting and retrieving field parties in addition to resupplying the Macquarie Island sub-Antarctic station.

Helicopters are used for many purposes within Antarctica, including station resupply and science support.
Experience the sound of traveling inside a helicopter.
Credit: Mark Horstman